A randomized study comparing the efficacy and safety profile of reference tocilizumab to TOFIDENCE1,2
The proportion of patients achieving ACR20 response rates at week 12 and week 24 were comparable between patients receiving reference tocilizumab and TOFIDENCE1
*ACR20 response rates for regulatory-agency-preferred predefined timepoints (primary estimand).
Adapted from: Leng X, et al. 20241
Mean changes in DAS28 were comparable to rTCZ up to Week 241
Adapted from: Leng X, et al. 20241
ACR20/50/70 scores at Week 48 were comparable between the three treatment groups2
Adapted from: Leng X, et al. 2022
Mean changes in DAS28 were similar between Week 28 and Week 48 among the three treatment groups2
Adapted from: Leng X, et al. 2022
TEAE type
Total reports of any adverse event were comparable between TOFIDENCE 66% (n=206) and rTCZ 65% (n=201)1
The occurrence of all TEAEs was 64% (n=201) for TOFIDENCE and 63% (n=196) for rTCZ1
Treatment-related TEAE type
*All events occurred in <0.5% of subjects.
Adapted from: Leng X, et al. 20241
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Abbreviations: ACR20, American College of Rheumatology ≥20% improvement criteria; ACR50, American College of Rheumatology ≥50% improvement criteria; ACR70, American College of Rheumatology ≥70% improvement criteria; CI, confidence interval; DAS28, Disease Activity Score 28; DAS28-CRP, Disease Activity score 28 using C-reactive protein; DAS28-ESR, Disease Activity Score using erythrocyte sedimentation rate; EMA, European Medicines Agency; FDA, Food and Drug Administration; NMPA, National Medical Products Administration; rTCZ, reference tocilizumab; SD, standard deviation; TEAE, treatment emergent adverse event; TCZ, tocilizumab; TP2, treatment period 2.